Friday, January 29, 2016

MALAYSIA / INDONESIA:::Jalan Pulang Rita Tersandera Sindikat Narkoba

Rita Krisdianti adalah salah satu PMI Hong Kong yang nasibnya tidak beruntung. Perempuan kelahiran tahun 1988 anak kedua pasangan Poniyati dan almarhum Mujiono ini nekat terbang ke Hong Kong lantaran suaminya tidak memiliki pekerjaan yang pasti. Merasa tidak enak dengan rumah tangga yang tidak kunjung mandiri, Rita membulatkan niat mendaftarkan diri ke PPTKIS PT Putra Indo Sejahtera melalui jasa seorang PL yang bernama Sumiyati warga Sumoroto pada akhir 2012, dimana pada saat itu usia rumah tangganya baru beberapa bulan saja.

MALAYSIA:::Late MTUC president Khalid Atan fought for rights of migrant workers

 The late Khalid Atan always fought for the rights of migrant workers and believed they should enjoy the same privileges as locals, said Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) secretary-general N. Gopal Kishnam.    
He said the MTUC president, who passed away on Tuesday at age 63, recognised their contribution to the country’s economy.  

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

MALAYSIA:::MTUC president Khalid Atan passes away (AL FATIHAH)

Malaysia Trade Union Congress (MTUC) president Khalid Atan(pic) passed away on Tuesday morning.
His death was confirmed by MTUC secretary-general N. Gopal Kishnam.
Gopal did not, however, elaborate on the cause of Khalid’s death.
Khalid, 63, was first elected as the congress’ president in 2010 and re-elected in 2013.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

MALAYSIA:::Turning into robots, doing multiple jobs in a day

Several developed nations have started reducing the length of the working day from the standard eight hours, which has been practiced for decades. Sweden, for example, was last year reported as approving the six-hour working day.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

MALAYSIA:::Greed, not need, may be fuelling demand for 1.5 million Bangladeshi workers

Profiteering, rather than market demand, could be behind the plan to still bring in 1.5 million Bangladeshi workers, said trade groups as local businesses face a rough year and more Malaysians lose their jobs. 

The nation’s two largest groups of employers and private sector workers showed a rare moment of agreement when they both challenged the government’s persistent claims that industries needed these 1.5 million extra foreign workers. The Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) and the Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) usually disagree on everything concerning labour issues. 

But in separate interviews, they both said that the billion-ringgit foreign labour supplier industry could be influencing the so-called demand for these 1.5 million new workers. This is since each foreign worker usually nets a supplier between RM3,000 and RM4,000 per person in net profit, they said. Another cash cow was online services to process the applications. Other critics of the plan such as Klang MP Charles Santiago (pic, below left) also pointed to the presence of former ministry officials in the business as a sign that this industry was having an undue influence in the plan and on foreign labour policies in general. And then there’s the huge number of undocumented foreign workers, which the groups claimed could number 2.3 million or one for each legal worker.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

MALAYSIA:::Long weekends vs productivity

Malaysians will have at least nine long weekends this year. While workers rejoice, employers worry if this will affect productivity, considering the bleak economic forecast for 2016.
THE year-end holiday season has ended worldwide. But in Malaysia, workers have something else to look forward to – there will be at least nine long weekend breaks this year.
Thanks to a number of national holidays falling on Fridays, Mondays and Sundays, those in Malaysia can take more than a few days’ break, with the closest reprieve being the coming Chinese New Year.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

MALAYSIA:::Bump up minimum wage to RM1,200 now, urges MTUC

Raising the minimum wage by RM100 to RM1,000 a month in Peninsular Malaysia is too little, says the Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC).
It should in fact be pushed up by at least RM300 to RM1,200 in Peninsular Malaysia given the higher cost of living, MTUC secretary-general N Gopal Kishnan said today.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

MALAYSIA:::MTUC foresees 2016 to be challenging

 Workers are urged to be prudent in their spending due to rising cost of living this year.
Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC)'s secretary general N.Gopal Kishnam said they foresee the year being challenging especially with prices of goods increasing and those being affected are the middle income group - the workforce.