Monday, November 25, 2013

ILO helps provide 'emergency' jobs in Haiyan-hit areas

STARTING FROM SCRATCH. Typhoon Yolanda damaged billions worth of agriculture and infrastructure, forcing many communities to start from scratch. Photo by EPA/Dennis SabanganSTARTING FROM SCRATCH. Typhoon Yolanda damaged billions worth of agriculture and infrastructure, forcing many communities to start from scratch. Photo by EPA/Dennis Sabangan
MANILA, Philippines – The International Labor Organization (ILO) is helping government provide emergency employment to millions of people who lost their livelihoods to Super Typhoon Yolanda(Haiyan). (READ: Coconut farmers face ruin after Haiyan)
"Emergency employment essentially puts money in the hands of individuals affected," explained Jeff Johnson, director of the ILO Philippine Office.

SINGAPORE:::Singaporeans have 'duty to be kind to foreign workers'

Singapore has laws to protect foreign workers’ rights but citizens also have a responsibility to be kind and humane towards them, said Professor Chan Heng Chee.

MALAYSIA:::SOCSO accident insurance scheme benefits

Are you a subscriber to SOCSO, but not sure what you get out of it? Let LabourBulletin4Workers guide explain some of the benefits you might receive. Depending on the type of scheme you are subscribed to, there are different benefits.