Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Malaysia: MTUC denounces SFI judicial review against Mohr order

The Kota Kinabalu High Court today set 26 June to hear the judicial review filed by Sabah Forest Industries (SFI) against an order from the Human Resources Ministry to recognise the Sabah Timber Industries Employees Union (STIEU). This was conveyed to STIEU representatives by their Solicitor DB Aludah.
At yesterday’s press conference held by the Malaysian Trades Union Congress Sabah Division on the matter, MTUC Sabah Chairperson Awang Ali said, “This judicial review is disappointing as STIEU has won the secret ballot elections; yet the employer, dissatisfied with the results, brought the case to court even though the Human Resources Minister had ordered the employer to recognise the union.” Awang was referring to STIEU’s 2010 secret ballot results following its third claim for recognition, which revealed it had the support of 85.9% of SFI workers.

MALAYSIA:::3 workers killed in Malaysia after roof of shopping mall collapses: Police

KUALA LUMPUR (THE STAR/ASIA NEWS NETWORK/AFP) - Three workers were killed and 19 others were injured after a roof of a three-storey, under-construction shopping mall collapsed in the southern Malaysian state of Malacca, the police said on Monday.
The municipal council has issued a stop work order at a shopping mall here after the indicent. Municipal officials were seen placing the stop work notices at the site in Pulau Sebang following the collapse at about 2.30pm.


Diantara tujuan( Maqasid al-Syariah)  disyariatkan puasa di dalam Islam  ialah untuk menjadikan orang yang berpuasa mempunyai sifat takwa. Takwa membawa maksud : "melaksanakan yang diperintah Allah dan meninggalkan segala apa yang dilarang". Semua perintah Allah yang disyariatkan pastinya mempunyai faedah dan manfaatnya, begitu juga dengan segala laranganNya yang pasti ada kemudaratannya. Maka puasa juga memberikan faedah dan kesan yang sangat baik kepada kita dari aspek kesihatan. Di antara hadis nabi s.a.w menyebut:
" Berpuasalah nescaya kamu akan sihat" (Hadis riwayat Ibnu Sunni dan Abu Naim dari Abu Hurairah)
Apabila sesaorang itu berpuasa, sebenarnya amalan tersebut telah mendidik dan membantu perut (sistem penghadaman) hanya menerima makanan dan minuman pada masa yang ditetapkan sahaja. Sedangkan pada hari-hari biasa, seseorang itu sentiasa menikmati hidangan makanan tanpa mengira masa dan jenis makanan dan yang dimakan. Ia menjadikan  perut  bekerja memperoses makanan tanpa rehat.