Monday, February 4, 2013

Teachers' Union Members Join Bus Drivers' Picket Lines

The teacher's union is showing its support for striking bus drivers and matrons.
Members of the United Federation of Teachers joined a picket line in the Castle Hill section of the Bronx on Saturday.
They say the UFT and Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1181 have to stick together against the city.
"I'm here to support 1181 because at the end of the day I am a union member. I am labor. Together we will make the city move all along," said UFT member Jose Vargas. "And if we don't support each other the city will continue to try to break us apart so that they get their way which is not always in the best benefit of the students that we serve, nor the public in general."
The bus drivers and matrons want job protections included in the city's new bus contracts, but the city says it cannot legally keep those protections.
Negotiations between the union and bus companies are set to pick up again Tuesday.

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