Thursday, December 5, 2013


Hong Leong Bank Berhad is ranked as 5th based on asset size and 4th on market capitalization in USD among the 8 anchor local banks in Malaysia.

Net profit after tax of Hong Leong Bank for the financial year ended 30 June 2013 is RM1.856 billion, up 6.5% from the corresponding period last year. 

According to the Bank the Vision of its Chairman and CEO, Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan is firmly rooted on the Group’s core values of Quality, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Honour, Human Resource, Unity, Progress and Social Responsibility.

However, Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan is the most brutal and merciless creature among the many CEOs in the banking industry in Malaysia and his vision is full of fraud and manipulation in respect to his workers. 

Despite the increased profit, Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan and his stooges are embarking on exploiting his low income workers to force them to resign. This will enable him to achieve his greedily desired cost to income ratio.

The Bank’s recent exercise of “Centralisation and Hubbing” without any justification is introduced so that workers from rural and less developed states will be forced to resign by the threat to transfer them away from their homes.

Some of the workers who are protesting the transfer are forced to only remain in the banking hall, not allowed to use the toilet, not allowed to report to work at 8.45 am and not allowed to sign the attendance. But they are constantly given notices and threatened with dismissals.

As of today around 45 families are undergoing mental trauma for the last few months and more are suffering silently out of fear in losing their job.

NUBE members must give moral support to the 45 workers and their families to face this challenge. If Hong Leong barbarism is not stopped soon other banks will follow suit.

Our subsequent circulars will reveal the roles of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Human Resources and Bank Negara in separating the 45 families.


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