Thursday, December 11, 2014

MALAYSIA:::Malaysia to tighten laws to stem flow of illegal workers

Malaysia is home to about three million Indonesian workers, with more than half of them undocumented and risking arrests and possible jail terms as authorities promise to enact tougher measures to stem the flow of illegal workers into the country. 

KUALA LUMPUR: Hundreds of thousands of Indonesians working illegally in neighbouring Malaysia are risking arrests to remain in the country. Many of them had sneaked into the country to find employment and better salaries.
Malaysia is home to about three million Indonesian workers and Indonesia's deputy ambassador to Malaysia has said more than half of them are undocumented - they slip in and out of the country through its porous borders despite risking arrests and possible jail terms.

Malaysian authorities are now promising to enact tougher measures to stem the flow of illegal workers into the country. They have pledged to tighten law enforcement, including possible caning for corrupt officials and agents who contribute to the illegal immigrant problem in the country.
Malaysian Home Affairs Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said: "We must act to ensure that agents who are responsible for flooding the country with foreign workers face action including the proposed caning."
While such tough measures may act as a deterrent, Indonesia said it wants more to be done to also target employers who bring in illegal labour or hire them off the streets. Deputy Indonesian Ambassador to Malaysia Hermono said the problem lies with the implementation and enforcement of the law - which should apply to both the employer and employee.
Mr Hermono said one way is through the voluntary deportation programme rolled out by authorities in July. Under the programme, undocumented workers need to fork out about US$200 in fees to return home. So far, fewer than 20,000 Indonesians have opted for the voluntary deportation programme.
Another 50,000 were caught by authorities, and some were jailed and fined. Those deported were barred from returning to Malaysia for five years. Still, despite the dire consequences, the majority of Indonesian workers are still willing to eke out a living for themselves and their families in Malaysia.

1 comment:

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