Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Explosion At Ann Joo Steel Prai

Press Release By Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) Penang Division - Explosion At Ann Joo Steel Prai

We, in MTUC Penang Division, are given to understand that an explosion occurred in Ann Joo Steel Berhad (formerly known as Malayawata Steel) situated in Prai this evening 20.10.2020. We are also given to understand that the said explosion happened at the company's steel making plant 2 (SMP2) and, that, there were no fatalities except for a few workers having sustained injuries. 

Having regards, to the said incident, we call upon the Department Of Safety And Health (DOSH), to undertake not only an indepth investigations in the matter but a comprehensive audit of the said company's safety standards.

In our view industrial mishaps occur, more often than not, on account of the lapses in adherence to acceptable safety standards. In our view such an explosion should not have happened if all pertinent safety measures had been adhered to. In any case employers are, vicariously, obligated to ensure the safety of their workers. Thus, we call upon the authorities to determine whether the company had complied with its inherent duty of care in the matter. And, if it be so ascertained that there was a case of a breach of the said duty of care, then, appropriate cause of action be instituted against the company. 

K. Veeriah 
Malaysian Trades Union Congress, Penang 

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