NUBE will not stop its fight to uphold the rights of its members from the lowest income group employed in commercial banks. We will use every channel and do everything within our powers to address the complaints and disputes raised by NUBE that is not resolved.
We will continue to march forward even though our action will be seen as political. It is not our intention to interfere in the political affairs of the country, but what options do we have, when the authorities drag their feet even though the solutions are simple.
Does UMNO realize that 75 percent of NUBE members are Malays?
Deputy President at NUBE Malaysia
UMNO as the backbone of the government today, has become the puppets for large corporations including banks. They are willing to set aside their struggle and go against the principle of fighting for the Malay rights, just enrich them and maintain the status-quo of 1 percent, which is made of the rich people .
Recently, this has become evident, when Minister in the Prime Minister Dato' Sri Idris Jala proposed to government in August 2013 to sell Malaysia Airlines (MAS), a government-linked companies (GLCs).
Before that, MMC Corporation Berhad tried to acquire Keretapi Tanah Melayu (KTM Berhad), until the move was opposed by Railway Union of Malaysia (RUM) through a picket on October 12, 2012.
What we need to understand here is that, even if the proposed sale of GLC comes from a minister, the recommendations for sale and merger of GLCs have been outlined in the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) two years ago under the National Transformation Policy.
Looking at this, UMNO, the party that leads the government, do not take into account the fate of hundreds of thousands of workers and their families, who are Malays.
Does UMNO only fight exclusively for the elite Malays? Are we being blinded all the rhetoric that UMNO fights for all the Malays?
Then, there’s nothing to be surprised at all about the fate of the bank workers from the lowest income, whom majority are Malays. Discrimination towards this group will inadvertently have an impact on the fate and future of other races employed in the banks.
The Malay technocrats appointed as CEO in GLC banks by UMNO are acting in contrary to the aspirations of the country. If they can hold the UMNO president for ransom, then it’s not tough to kick around the Malay workers under them.
The power wielded by these CEOs, especially the GLC bank CEOs against the ruling government in enforcing the laws, has made them bold to act against those laws or any other work term agreements in force.
This is also compounded by the fact that their greed to achieve annual income which 200 times more than an annual income of a lowly worker.
They manipulate and delay the salary adjustment of poor workers systematically. In fact, they have been continuously employing this methods to make sure the poor workers remain poor, and to enable them to acquire the riches. The sad fact is, majority of the poor workers are Malays.
We were also surprised when the government recently made one of the largest bank's CEO as the minister in charge of economic affairs. Ironically, this minister is the same person, who brought endless suffering to employees of banks and made 30,000 poor workers, poorer. And now he has been given the responsibility to look after the socio-economic well being of 29 million Malaysians.
Has UMNO become too weak in the eyes of capitalists that are now becoming increasingly influential and powerful? NUBE patiently waited for the UMNO President to fulfill his promise to resolve all the issues that create the income gap between the rich and the poor. Almost 75 percent of the Malay NUBE members are feeling the impact of the complaints and disputes that has been ignored.
As stated from the beginning, we would do anything in our power as long it’s within the law, even if we have to picket during the UMNO General Assembly at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC).
Let us as all plead to the President of UMNO, who is also the Prime Minister to highlight the persecution perpetuated by those who has been appointed by UMNO. Lets make the call to end the serious exploitation of poor workers in the bank as soon as possible.
We will inform you on why and how to convey the message to the Prime Minister in the upcoming circulars.
J Solomon
General Secreatary
NUBE tidak akan berhenti dalam memperjuangkan nasib ahli-ahlinya dari golongan berpendapatan paling rendah di bank-bank perdagangan. Kita akan menggunakan apa sahaja saluran dan melakukan apa sahaja tindakan selagi segala aduan dan pertikaian yang dibangkitkan NUBE masih tidak dilayan dan diselesaikan.
Kita akan terus maju ke hadapan sekalipun tindakan NUBE dilihat mempunyai unsur politik. Bukan niat kita untuk mencampuri urusan politik negara tetapi apakah yang anda akan lakukan jika penyelesaian yang begitu mudah seolah-olah sukar oleh pihak-pihak yang begitu berkuasa?
Sedarkah kita dan tahukah parti politik Melayu UMNO bahawa 75% ahli-ahli NUBE adalah terdiri daripada bangsa Melayu?
UMNO sebagai tunjang dalam kerajaan hari ini sudah menjadi boneka kepada syarikat-syarikat gergasi termasuklah bank-bank. Kerana wang; demi memelihara golongan 1%, mereka sanggup mengetepikan prinsip perjuangan mereka terhadap orang-orang Melayu.
Antara buktinya, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Dato' Sri Idris Jala sendiri pada Ogos 2013 yang lalu pernah mencadangkan agar kerajaan menjual sebuah Syarikat Berkaitan Kerajaan (GLC), Sistem Penerbangan Malaysia (MAS).
Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) pula pernah cuba diambilalih MMC Corporation Berhad sehingga ditentang hebat ahli-ahli Kesatuan Pekerja KTMB (RUM) melalui piket pada 12 Oktober 2012.
Apa yang perlu diketahui di sini, walaupun cadangan penjualan GLC keluar dari mulut seorang Menteri tetapi saranan penjualan dan penggabungan GLC telah pun digariskan dalam Program Transformasi Ekonomi (ETP) sejak 2 tahun yang lalu di bawah Dasar Transformasi Nasional .
Jelas di sini, UMNO sebagai tunjang kerajaan langsung tidak memikirkan lagi nasib beratus-ratus ribu pekerja-pekerja melayu khasnya dan bumiputera amnya di bawah GLC termasuklah keluarga-keluarga mereka.
Adakah UMNO sebenarnya hanya untuk melayu elit? Adakah selama ini kita hanya dikaburi UMNO yang kononnya memperjuangkan bangsa Melayu seluruhnya?
Maka tidak hairanlah jika nasib yang sama menimpa pekerja-pekerja dari golongan berpendapatan paling rendah di bank-bank yang terdiri daripada majoriti pekerja-pekerja Melayu. Cuma kaedahnya sedikit berbeza. Kekejaman terhadap golongan majoriti ini turut memberi kesan kepada nasib dan masa depan kaum-kaum lain di dalam bank.
Ibarat 'bapa kencing berdiri, anak kencing berlari', teknokrat Melayu yang dilantik UMNO sebagai CEO di bank-bank GLC turut bertindak bertentangan dengan aspirasi negara. Jika 'kepala' seorang Presiden UMNO mampu dipegangnya, maka tidak mustahillah pekerja-pekerja Melayu di bawah mereka sewenang-wenangnya 'diterajang'.
Penguasaan CEO-CEO bank terutamanya CEO bank-bank GLC terhadap pemerintah yang menguatkuasakan sistem perundangan negara telah menjadikan mereka lebih berani untuk melanggar undang-undang negara atau mana-mana perjanjian terma pekerjaan yang berkuatkuasa.
Bukan itu sahaja, mereka juga kian tamak untuk meraih pendapatan tahunan sehingga mencecah lebih 200 kali ganda berbanding pendapatan tahunan pekerja berpendapatan rendah.
Mereka melambat-lambatkan pelarasan gaji golongan pekerja miskin dengan melakukan manipulasi secara bersistematik. Malah, mereka sebenarnya sentiasa melakukan manipulasi demi memastikan pekerja-pekerja miskin terus kekal miskin bagi membolehkan mereka terus menjadi lebih kaya. Sedangkan golongan pekerja miskin ini majoritinya adalah Melayu!
Kita juga terkejut apabila Kerajaan baru-baru ini menawarkan salah seorang CEO bank bagi menduduki jawatan Menteri yang bertanggungjawab dalam hal ehwal ekonomi seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Ironinya, Menteri yang telah membawa derita kepada pekerja-pekerja bank dan meletakkan kira-kira 30,000 pekerja miskin lebih miskin sedang diberikan tanggungjawab untuk menjaga sosio-ekonomi 29 juta penduduk negara.
Adakah UMNO sudah dilihat terlalu lemah kerana kapitalis kini kian berpengaruh dan berkuasa?. NUBE sudah banyak bersabar menunggu Presiden UMNO menunaikan janjinya menyelesaikan segala isu yang mencipta jurang pendapatan antara golongan kaya dan miskin. 75% ahli-ahli Melayu NUBE dapat merasainya apabila sehingga hari ini segala aduan dan pertikaian seperti tidak dipedulikan.
Sepertimana dinyatakan dari awal, kita akan melakukan apa sahaja tindakan selagi menuruti undang-undang walaupun berpiket serentak dengan tarikh Perhimpunan Agung UMNO di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC).
Ayuhlah kita sebagai ahli-ahli NUBE merayu kepada Presiden UMNO yang juga Perdana Menteri kita tentang penganiayaan yang dilakukan orang-orang lantikan UMNO. Kita membuat gesaan terhadapnya agar eksploitasi secara serius terhadap pekerja-pekerja miskin bank di negara ini diselesaikan dengan kadar segera.
Kita akan memaklumkan kepada anda kenapa dan bagaimana untuk menyampaikan mesej kepada Perdana Menteri melalui pekeliling-pekeliling seterusnya.
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''''''Message to TAN SRI SYED MOKHTAR AL BUKHARY - Press Release ::: Press Report for DRB Group – Termination action against workers exercising their political rights is abhorred.
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