Sunday, December 21, 2014

INDIA:::India raises concern on employment, social protection in South Asia

New Delhi, Dec.20 (ANI): The Institute of Human Development organized an international conference here on "Meeting the Challenges of Employment and Social Protection in South Asia" in collaboration with International Labour Organization (ILO) United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Canada in New Delhi.
The conference was attended by specialists, professors and researchers of international organizations from Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.

The event focused on the intricacies of political, social and economic issues that constraint the growth and creation of employment.
The key issues included inequality, macroeconomics imbalances, poor infrastructure and inadequate education.
More emphasis was given to structural transformation in manufacturing sector that will accelerate job opportunities for the large number of people entering the labour market in South Asia.
The main challenges of labour market in Nepal arises from the subdued economic development and three fourth of the population works in agriculture sector which is again an informal sector. As a result, labour migration is on the rise.
"I think it is useful forum for exploring various ideas especially in context of Nepal as Nepal is embarking on and bringing some kind of social security Schemes so the thoughts that are presented here in Sri Lanka, in Pakistan . The guidelines that they have been practicing in the social security schemes can also be very useful in replicating and implementing in Nepal and in context the programme will give us an idea of various security schemes especially how those security schemes can be wisely utilized in the structural transformation and for the economic benefit for long," said Anand Raj Devkota, Director of Programs for Nepal at the International Institute of Independent Researchers.
Experts believe the region has been facing shortage of skilled work force as educated people migrate to the West for better prospects.
"In South Asia we face different challenges for example we have very limited skill labour and we have very limited physical space to introduce social protection and some of the programmes we have introduced they are not effective and they are not targeting well. These are the major challenges," said Shiva Raj Adhikari, a professor at the Tribhubhavan University, Nepal.
The International Labour Oraganisation projects the labour force in Nepal will grow by 4.7 million or 30.1 per cent from 2015 to 2030.
By Neelapu Shanti (ANI)

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